
Welcome and About Us

Welcome to Bangla Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences (BJIS).  BJIS facilitates publishing research papers, review-articles, mini-reviews, research notes, letters, and thesis and dissertation summaries from STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) fields in Bangla.

BJIS sincerely encourages the younger generation of scientists and future scientists to publish their research in their mother tongue, and hopes to serve as an effective platform to bring Bengali scientists and science-minded people, who are scattered throughout the world together for a common goal.

This journal is Registered and hosted in Australia.


Our aims are to:

  • Provide a platform for authors who wish to publish their scientific manuscripts in Bangla.
  • Encourage the younger generation of scientists and future scientists to publish their research in their mother tongue.
  • Bring Bengali scientists and science-minded people, who are scattered throughout the world together for a common goal.


Original Research

The journal invites original research papers from STEM fields.  The manuscript should be limited to 3,500 words, excluding the title, authors information, abstract, tables and figures, and the citations. Tables and figures should be limited to four. For detailed information, please see the Manuscript Preparation Guide. The manuscript should include the following sections:

Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, and Citations.

Review Articles

Authors intending to submit a review article are advised to share a topic, an outline, and a tentative date of submission with the journal editor.  This will help prevent possible duplications of similar topics and ideas submitted by other authors. The length of the manuscript should be the same as an original research article, and contain the following: Abstract, Introduction, Discussion and Conclusions, and Citations. Rest of the format will be flexible.  Please consult the Manuscript Preparation Guide for further details.

Notes: If a research or review article cannot be finished within 3,500 words, please seek permission from the Editor for special accommodation.

Mini Reviews

Mini reviews will follow the same format of a review article; however, the manuscript length will be limited to 2,000 words.

Research Notes

These are reports on ongoing original research works. The manuscript length should be limited to 1,000 words with flexible formats.


These are reports on current and hot topics in science. The manuscript length should be limited to 1,000 words with flexible formats.

Thesis and Dissertation Summaries

This will provide graduate students or recent graduates with the opportunity to publish a summary of their research. The manuscript length should be limited to 1,500 words with the same format of an original flexible formats.


The Bangla Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed, international, scholarly/academic, biannual journal. BJIS fosters quality publications from all branches of sciences and technologies.

Submitted articles must be original works and free from personal, political, and social biases.
The respective authors retain the copyrights and are fully responsible for the content they publish.

Publication cost: At present, there is no publication cost. Authors publish their articles for free.