Legal and Ethical Guidelines

Submitting a manuscript to BAJIS will imply that the authors have read and agreed to the following legal and ethical guidelines:


Authorships should be credited only to individuals who have made a significant contribution in producing the data or the manuscript. Authorships should include affiliations (academic, corporate, or others) of all authors. The names of individuals with less than significant contributions should be mentioned in the Acknowledgements.

Corresponding Author

The corresponding author will serve as the primary correspondent with the journal on behalf of all co-authors during the submission and review process. They will be the responsible person for submitting the final, edited, and proofread version of the manuscript if the manuscript is accepted.

Plagiarism and Copyright

Reproducing information such as, but not limited to, text, tables, graphs, illustrations, and pictures from other articles without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism. Similarly, generating multiple papers with nearly identical content authored by the same individuals constitutes self-plagiarism. The BJIS discourages any form of plagiarism. Authors’ sole responsibility is to ensure that any open-source materials used in their manuscripts are appropriately credited. If the information is copyrighted, authors must obtain permission before inclusion in their manuscripts. Authors retain the copyright of the articles published in BJIS; thus, disputes concerning copyrighted materials are strictly between the authors and the owners of the original content. The journal assumes no responsibility for such disputes.

Data Collection

The authors bear full responsibility for the correctness of data used in the manuscript. When human subjects are used in a study, the researchers must obtain informed consent of the subjects before producing and publishing the data to protect the privacy of the patients.  The authors are responsible for assuring that the study meets all institutional, national, and international policies and guidelines (Please see the “Declaration of Helsinki” below for your information).

Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki)

When animal subjects are used, researchers must comply with animal rights policies and relevant laws and guidelines to ensure humane treatment of animals.  When submitting a manuscript to BJIS for publication, the authors bear the full responsibility that all ethical guidelines of dealing with the humans and animal subjects are met. A detailed description of such compliance must be outlined within the methods section of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when the author’s opinion conflicts with the scientific facts.  Such opinions can be motivated by financial or personal gains, political bias, intellectual beliefs, personal conflicts, etc.  BJIS highly encourages that the contributing authors remain focused on scientific facts when preparing their manuscripts. BJIS will reject all manuscripts that reflect the views of any political or special interest groups.